In Conversation With.. Kate Kyle

For our next ‘In Conversation With..’ series, we chat to Kate Kyle, who, equipped with a unique blend of soulful country and powerful voice, is establishing herself in the Scottish music scene, with performances at Celtic Connections, Big Burns Supper and Resonate Live, as well as being shortlisted for BBC Scotland’s Singer/Songwriter Award.

For those few who do not know you, tell us a little bit about Kate Kyle?

I’m an eighteen-year-old singer/songwriter from Dumfries. My music has been influenced greatly by the soulful country genre where story telling is embedded throughout. I perform regularly on the local and national scene such as Celtic Connections, Big Burns Supper, Hit the Road Tour and Resonate Live, amongst others. I was also shortlisted for BBC Scotland’s Singer/songwriter award last year which was an incredible experience to say the least!


You are a very competent musician. Do you recall when you first picked up your instrument?

Yes! I have always loved singing, right from the day I could speak. With my influences at the age of around 7 and 8 being Hannah Montana and Taylor Swift, I wanted to learn to play the guitar, with the idea in mind that I would play and sing at the same time and maybe write a song.  With my sparkly guitar, I had my first guitar lesson and needless to say I was hooked.

Photo: Stage Shot

Photo: Stage Shot

A very poignant moment, but do you remember the moment you discovered how cathartic making music could be, and does creating music in that way affect your understanding of yourself?

I have always been inspired by country artists in particular and their ability to share stories and express emotions in a matter of minutes. Writing and creating music is something that I can’t get enough of. I think I’ve always been gravitated towards the idea of taking a blank canvas and inventing something new and exciting. Creating a song gives me such satisfaction and doing so really helps me makes sense of what I’m trying to figure out. Music is such a powerful and universal outlet. I find it amazing how a song written on a bedroom floor, garden, a studio, anywhere; either on their own or with someone else can resonate with a stranger on the other side of the world. The thought of being able to do such a thing truly fascinates me. 


It has just passed a year since you released your beautifully tied-up, debut EP, ‘Where I’m Going’ - have you any plans to release more music?

Yes of course! Right now, I’m writing as much material as I can and taking this time in lock down to really focus on what I want to put out into the world. More than ever, a lot of the songs that I’m writing come from personal experiences. To have the ability for someone to relate to my music when they listen is something I am forever working on. I want people to feel something when they listen to my music, and I want to get it right! I definitely plan to release more music soon. I find the whole process really exciting.

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An exciting time for any musician is to go on tour –have you ever thought about taking your music on the road?

I sure have! Taking my music on the road and sharing it with people around the country is a dream! I think once I have new music coming out, my aim is to take them out on the road and share what I’ve been working on. 

For those who don’t know, last October you performed in Nashville, please tell us about that incredible experience?

Oh my goodness! Nashville was 10/10. There is no other way to describe it. The creative energy and drive is unlike anything I have ever come across. Music, everywhere. I played at a song writers round at this small bar on the local scene, called Belcourt Taps. Myself and two incredible artists from the area played an hour set, taking turns and sharing about 5 songs each. It was so inspiring. I walked off the tiny stage after the set and had never felt so comfortable in such an unfamiliar place. Needless to say, I fell in love. 


Although there is an eclectic mix to your sound, you hum a great deal of true country music - from Nashville to Scotland, is there a country-music scene here?

I think it’s growing for sure. Scotland definitely gives a taste of every genre I feel. Country is becoming more popular with musicians standing their ground in the scene but also artists from across the pond coming to perform here and their presence spreading throughout the Scottish music scene. Just like any genre, there are many country artists that hail from small towns and big cities. It’s just knowing where to find them to then hear those songs come to life in a live setting. But yes, to answer the question, I feel country music is continuing to make its mark in the thriving Scottish music scene. 


Undoubtedly, you are an exciting and staple sound within the local scene. From an artist’s perspective how do you view the Dumfries music scene and is there anything in particular that you feel would help build and prosper it?

The Dumfries music scene is very supportive of each other. I always describe it as one big family. I feel there is such a creativeness to the different shows that are put on that we are so lucky to have, bringing not only the town together but people from all over the country and beyond. The welcoming nature of Dumfries’ music scene is bringing new artists and creative minded figures into the mix and that is something that I hope would never change. I have been performing in Dumfries for a few years now and I have seen it grow. There are many creative initiatives and outlets for the creative community, whether that’s people who are starting out or who want to add and develop their knowledge further. 

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COVID-19 has brought our beloved music industry to an absolute halt. How have you been dealing with quarantine as a musician?

Before lockdown was set in place, we were all going 100 miles per hour. Spending time with family and focusing on yourself is so important, and these strange times are allowing us to do that. I have been writing as much as possible. I guess it’s what is keeping me sane! Writing helps me make sense of what’s happening, and I feel very lucky to have an outlet to do such a thing. These times are allowing me to really focus on what I want to achieve as a musician and I have gotten a burst of motivation to create and do nothing but! Recently, I wrote a song called ‘Body and Mind’ which talks about the abnormal period of time that we are living in. Sometimes, it just doesn’t feel real. At the start of lockdown I feel confusion and anger took over our mindsets with not knowing how to react to such a surreal time. A couple weeks past and I was starting to realise that lockdown might be what’s good for everyone. To rest your body and rest your mind. We need to refocus, take time to come to our senses and remind ourselves why we are doing what we are doing. However, I have to admit I do miss live gigs!! I can’t wait to get back to performing and collaborating. It’s a scary time right now, but we’ll all come out the other end stronger and more resilient. 


Take us by the hand, what is next for Kate Kyle?  

Thank you for having me as part of the DMC Seclusion Session! I’ve just finished High School and later this year I’ll be studying music at uni and I can’t wait! I’m excited to start planning some projects I have in mind and bring them to life. My goal is to release new music in the near future and learn as much about the business as I possibly can. Co-writing is at the top of my list as well as doing more collaborations. I cannot wait to get back to performing; I miss it incredibly. 



Listen to/follow Kate Kyle here: